School Visits

Harness the creativity of school age kids with everyone’s favorite genre… comics!

In this workshop, young artists and writers embrace the comics and zines format all while sharpening expository writing, creative fiction, and illustration skills. We…

  • warm-up with an illustration exercise

  • look at real zines — artist books, comics, and non-fiction mini-books made by kids and grown-ups

  • brainstorm ideas for an original story; and

  • use real artist tools to craft a short comic in the zine format, with publication in mind.

Every child enrolled in the workshop leaves with a real zine starring the very naughty Newspaper Thief.

Recommended time: Two 1-hour workshops

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor

An author and a freelance writer, Rebecca’s print and digital work has appeared in the New York Times for Kids, Teen Vogue, Highlights Magazine, and elsewhere. Rebecca lives with her family in Dobbs Ferry, New York and is honored to publish the work of young people.

To bring this workshop to your child’s school, reach out at or complete the form below…

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Story Salon

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